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Open to U.S. residents only. You do not have to own a SkillzMachine.


Here’s a breakdown of the age group classifications for the SkillzMachice Stick IQ 2025 events:


  • Under-8: Players born after July 31, 2016, are eligible
  • Under-10: Players born after July 31, 2014, are eligible
  • Under-12: Players born after July 31, 2012, are eligible
  • Under-14: Players born after July 31, 2010, are eligible
  • Under-16: Players born after July 31, 2008, are eligible
  • Under-19: Players born after July 31, 2006, are eligible
  • Adults: Players born on or before July 31, 2006, are eligible


Athletes will try for a personal best score in game #6 on SkillzMachine's SkillzCOURT (the indoor surface). The athlete can submit scores from an unlimited number of attempts (only one registration is needed). Submission deadline is 11:59p Eastern Time on February 15th. The score(s) will be compared against all the other participants in their age group (Under-8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U19, Adult). Ties, if any, are broken by date and time score is submitted.


Participants with the top scores in each division will be contacted and must be able to submit a video of their reported performance for verification. Verification videos must capture the entirety of the attempt in a single unedited shot, must not exceed 60 seconds, and other requirements as detailed on the rules page (link below).


The winner in each age group will receive a $100 gift card from Harrow Sports and, in addition, a grand prize winner (the entrant with the best score across all age groups), can select an any available indoor or outdoor field hockey stick from the Harrow Sports collection. In the event of any ties, the score reported first will be the winner.


Here are a link list to the competition rules including verification video requirements:

REGISTRATION: SkillzMachine Indoor Tournament 2025

$10.00 Regular Price
$0.00Sale Price
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